All materials FREE beginning in 2021

     All materials FREE beginning in 2021

In 2011, I interviewed 38 Christian luminaries from nearly every denomination—including Nobel laureates and Templeton Prize-winners. My quest? To learn how they are personally and professionally inspired by what God is revealing today—through science. What quickly became apparent was that, regardless of theological or liturgical differences . . .

  • we all see no conflict between faith & reason, head & heart, Jesus & Darwin
  • we all value scientific and historic evidence as divine communication
  • we all share a commitment to a just and healthy future
  • I am excited to make this breakthrough series available in a way that makes it easy to facilitate individual reflection and group discussion—whether you choose to use only a few of the 38 audio interviews (with transcripts) or many.

    Co-evolutionary grace and blessings,
    ~ Rev. Michael Dowd



    Nobel Prize Winning Scientists  
    Charles H. Townes, William D. Phillips

    Templeton Prize-Winners
    Ian Barbour, John Polkinghorne

    Roman Catholics
    Joan Chittister, John F. Haught, Richard Rohr,
    Ursula King, Kenneth R. Miller, Ilia Delio,
    Diarmuid O'Murchu, Gail Worcelo,
    Gloria Schaab, Mary Southard, Linda Gibler

    Mainline Protestants
    John Shelby Spong, Matthew Fox,
    John Cobb, Philip Clayton, Joan Roughgarden

    Karl W. Giberson, Denis Lamoureux,
    Owen Gingerich, Edward B. (Ted) Davis

                Emergent / Postmodern Evangelicals           
    Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt,
    Spencer Burke, Sally Morgenthaler

    Progressive / Integral Christians
    Gretta Vosper, Tom Thresher,
    Ross Hostetter, Jim Burklo, Paul Smith

    Evidential Mystics
    Kevin Kelly, Michael Morwood,
    Bruce Sanguin, Ian Lawton, Michael Dowd

    What Is Evolutionary Christianity?

    EVOLUTIONARY CHRISTIANITY reflects all forms of Christian faith practiced by those who not only accept but cherish the scientific evidence of a cosmos and Earth billions of years old, in which life forms evolved via natural processes. The thought leaders in the Evolutionary Christianity movement share deep-time eyes and a global heart. All embrace scientific discoveries in meaningful, faith-enriching, life-enhancing ways. In their quest to bridge or integrate traditional wisdom with scientific revelation, Christian evolutionaries place immense value on nurturing fresh and inspiring interpretations of scripture and doctrines that arose in pre-scientific times.

    Recommended Uses




    Selecting the Optimal Episodes for Participants

    Decide HOW MANY EPISODES to use by consulting:

    Editor's Picks by topics (pp 14-16 of • Leaders Manual

    Summaries of the 38 Episodes (38 pages in PDF)

    Topical Index to Study Guide Questions (13 pages in PDF)


    Sample audio excerpts of 10 of the 38 conversations


    Denis Lamoureux


    Joan Chittister


    Bruce Sanguin


    Kenneth Miller


    Gail Worcelo



    Ross Hostetter


    Brian McLaren


    Philip Clayton


    Gretta Vosper


    John Spong





    Directions for Course Leaders


    • Core Material: interviews with 38 Evolutionary Christian thought leaders

    • Formats: all 38 episodes can be listened to (audio mp3) and read (pdf transcript)

    • Time: each interview is between 40 and 75 minutes in length

    • Audio Quality: each interview was professionally edited for cogency and listener ease

    • Audio Downloads: via Soundcloud

    • Transcript Downloads: The carefully edited and keyword-hotlinked transcripts (in pdf) are capable of editing so that teachers and students in classroom situations may highlight and paste entire paragraphs into their own digital documents for use in test questions and student essays. Note: Because this series was produced in 2011, some of the hotlinked words no longer activate.

    • Study Guide: The study guide questions (which are offered episode-by-episode) are carefully written to respect the beliefs and perspectives that participants may bring to their learning experience. Nevertheless, both the interview process and question preparation were undertaken with the goal of becoming resources for gentle forms of self inquiry into one's life story and the experiential basis for one's values and beliefs.

    Single-Page Summaries of the 38 Episodes

    To make your selections, use left image to choose by religious orientation,
    or click on names at right to view 1-page summaries of each,
    or access all 38 summaries in a single document pdf

    Nobel Prize Winning Scientists  
    Charles H. Townes, William D. Phillips

    Templeton Prize-Winners
    Ian Barbour, John Polkinghorne

    Roman Catholics
    Joan Chittister, John F. Haught, Richard Rohr,
    Ursula King, Kenneth R. Miller, Ilia Delio,
    Diarmuid O'Murchu, Gail Worcelo,
    Gloria Schaab, Mary Southard, Linda Gibler

    Mainline Protestants
    John Shelby Spong, Matthew Fox,
    John Cobb, Philip Clayton, Joan Roughgarden

    Karl W. Giberson, Denis Lamoureux,
    Owen Gingerich, Edward B. (Ted) Davis

                Emergent / Postmodern Evangelicals           
    Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt,
    Spencer Burke, Sally Morgenthaler

    Progressive / Integral Christians
    Gretta Vosper, Tom Thresher,
    Ross Hostetter, Jim Burklo, Paul Smith

    Evidential Mystics
    Kevin Kelly, Michael Morwood,
    Bruce Sanguin, Ian Lawton, Michael Dowd


    Ian Barbour

    Spencer Burke

    Jim Burklo

    Joan Chittister

    Philip Clayton

    John Cobb

    Ted Davis

    Ilia Delio

    Michael Dowd

    Matthew Fox

    Karl Giberson

    Linda Gibler

    Owen Gingerich

    John Haught

    Ross Hostetter

    Kevin Kelly

    Ursula King

    Denis Lamoureux

    Ian Lawton


    Brian McLaren

    Kenneth R. Miller

    Sally Morgenthaler

    Michael Morwood

    Diarmuid O'Murchu   

    Doug Pagitt

    William D. Phillips

    John Polkinghorne

    Richard Rohr

    Joan Roughgarden

    Bruce Sanguin

    Gloria Schaab

    Paul Smith

    Mary Southard

    John Spong

    Tom Thresher

    Charles Townes

    Gretta Vosper

    Gail Worcelo



    Sample Study Guide (below)   •  Download to right




    1. Barbour
    2. Sanguin
    3. Lamoureux
    4. Hostetter
    5. Giberson
    6. Cobb
    7. Townes
    8. Burklo
    9. Mclaren
    10. Spong
    11. Lawton
    12. Miller
    13. Morwood
    14. Thresher
    15. Rohr
    16. Haught
    17. Southard
    18. Fox
    19. Morgenthaler
    20. Schaab
    21. Phillips
    22. Gingerich
    23. Delio
    24. Omurchu
    25. Worcelo
    26. Pagitt
    27. Davis
    28. Vosper
    29. Clayton
    30. Polkinghorne
    31. Roughgarden
    32. Kelly
    33. Gibler
    34. Burke
    35. King
    36. Chittister
    37. Smith
    38. Dowd


    Index to Topics in Study Guide Questions


    "One of the wonderful things about this series is that Michael Dowd does an excellent job of tapping into the unique viewpoints and expertise of each person inter-viewed. As a result, each episode is fresh and revelatory — almost a stand-alone experience within the overall theme of the course. The more I engaged in the course, the deeper I felt a part of the "Big Story" itself."

    — Rev. Steve Maynard



    Summary of
    Course Materials
    to Download


    • Leaders Manual in PDF

    • Reflections for Participants in PDF

    • Summaries of all 38 in PDF

    • Topical Index of all episodes combined in PDF

    • AUDIOS (of each episode) in MP3 via Soundcloud

    • TRANSCRIPTS (of each episode) in PDF as listed below

    • STUDY GUIDES (for each episode) in PDF as listed


    TRANSCRIPTS to download individually

    1. Barbour
    2. Sanguin
    3. Lamoureux
    4. Hostetter
    5. Giberson
    6. Cobb
    7. Townes
    8. Burklo
    9. Mclaren
    10. Spong
         11. Lawton
    12. Miller
    13. Morwood
    14. Thresher
    15. Rohr
    16. Haught
    17. Southard
    18. Fox
    19. Morgenthaler
    20. Schaab
         21. Phillips
    22. Gingerich
    23. Delio
    24. Omurchu
    25. Worcelo
    26. Pagitt
    27. Davis
    28. Vosper
    29. Clayton
    30. Polkinghorne
         31. Roughgarden
    32. Kelly
    33. Gibler
    34. Burke
    35. King
    36. Chittister
    37. Smith
    38. Dowd