As of autumn 2014, Dunbar's 3-volume-set is now available as a single, 110-page hardcover book:
"The Universe Verse", recommended for ages 10 and up.
A whole new genre of music videos (freely accessible for online viewing or download) examine existential questions of life's meaning from a science-based, yet reverential, perspective. Highly recommended for discussion are the music videos by Symphony of Science and by Peter Mayer.
ABOVE RIGHT: VIDEO: "Praise Darwin!" an evolution revival with comedian Charlie Varon (14 minutes of fun, laughter, and science education!)
NOTE: For ministers, teachers, and other adults preparing to guide youth Coming of Age classes, experiences, and declarations, it is vital to see the importance of leading youth toward contemplation and consideration of life and life challenges as they really are rather than making "beliefs" central for this quest (especially the usual supernatural belief questions: Is there a God? Do I believe in life after death?).
High-Resolution, Large Format CHARTS to view or download:
"Imprinting Is Not Indoctrination (Connie Barlow's boldest statement yet!)
Connie subtitled this 9-page essay, "An invitation to parents and religious educators to present a coherent cosmology to our children." Composed as a critique of Dale McGowan's invited lecture at the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists nationwide (in June), Connie calls for a reassessment of the way kids in religious liberally families and institutions are taught "religion". Our postmodern celebration of diversity and advocacy of free choice actually means we deny our children a basic human requirement: "a coherent cosmology (creation story / worldview) through which to enjoy and securely navigate the years of childhood wonder, learning, and innocence." (posted July 2010) |
Podcast AUDIO, "Jennifer Morgan: Born with a Bang" - Jennifer and Connie Barlow in dialogue about the importance of giving children a big-picture understanding of the story of the Universe, and as an inspiring adventure story.
Podcast AUDIO, "Jon Cleland Host: Inspiring Naturalism for Families" - discussion of ways to mpart our cosmic story in family settings.
Podcast AUDIO, "Evolution: The Next Generation" - Connie Barlow's 20-minute sermon delivered at a progressive church in Victoria, BC (Canada), in October 2012.
"We Are Stardust: The Epic of Evolution in Children's Religious Education"
Long version of a chapter contributed by Connie Barlow to a 2009 book edited by Unitarian Universalist minister Fred Muir. The book is The Whole World Kin: Darwin and the Spirit of Liberal Religion, published by Skinner House Books. Connie's chapter is a summary of her work and philosophy in bringing the Epic of Evolution into religious education for children.
"Evolution Now: A Manifesto for Our UU Congregations", sermon by Connie Barlow delivered August 2008 - a plea for Unitarian Universalists (and other liberal religious folk) to ensure that we give our children a coherent, inspiring creation story to guide their lives and love for all of creation. Click to listen online or read in PDF.
"Darwin's Darkest Hour" - 2 hr NOVA television show now available for free viewing online. Great for adult or youth education class and discussion in any progressive church or secular setting, as it shows the cultural ethos and wrenching personal difficulties in facing the need to give up a biblically literalist view of God and Creation.
"Powers of Ten" - classic film of the 1960s now available on YouTube. Superb 9-minute film that expands outward from the human scale to the (then) edge of the known universe, then back and downward into a cell and onward to subatomic levels. Powerful!
"Epic of Evolution Website". Quality materials (for kids and older) for teachers and families.
"Evolution: This View of Life". More evolution resources.
"The Web's Best Videos on Evolution, Creationism, Atheism, and More". Very well indexed; vast menu of free online videos.
BELOW: Connie Barlow teaches "Ancestors Tale" kids curriculum (alternative title, "River of Life"). Click images below to watch the entire program on YouTube.
Teaching the Great Story to high school youth
Watch the video (left) in which Big History contributor Bob Bain presents a 2014 TEDx Talk on this global educational project funded by Bill Gates.