Photos of Connie Barlow

ABOVE: Connie Barlow is video editor of the series hosted by Michael Dowd, but occasionally she also co-hosts the Zoom calls. Here she is cohosting the conversation with the Canadian ecologist Bill Rees.

4 PHOTOS: Connie at People's Church (UU), Ludington MI, August 2018. Upper left is delivering "A Story for All Ages"
(on life stages of Monarch Butterflies); remaining 3 are guest sermon: "Grief and Gratitude in a Time of Climate Change."
ABOVE: Left = planting Torreya seeds in Ohio. Right = Mature redwood tree along Puget Sound, WA.

August 2017, Humboldt County, California

ABOVE: Connie raised 16 monarch butterflies from caterpillars in Ludington, Michigan, summer of 2018.
ABOVE LEFT: November 2017, showing the height of a newly germinated Florida Torreya, whose seed was planted directly
into the forest soil at the home of a Torreya Guardian volunteer in southwest Ohio.
ABOVE RIGHT: at Dawes Arboretum, central Ohio, checking the height of a Florida Torreya donated by Torreya Guardian Lee Barnes.
ABOVE LEFT: November 2018 site visit to a 2008 Torreya Guardians planting of Florida Torreya at the rural home of Russ Regnery, near Franklin NC.
ABOVE RIGHT: November 2018 site visit to a mature Torreya grove in Louisiana, planted in 1950 by Caroline Dormon. Pause alongside an ancient Longleaf Pine on the grounds.
ABOVE LEFT: 2017 Redwood, Humboldt County CA. RIGHT: 2017 Ponderosa Pine OR

2017 Cripple Creek area of Colorado