More Resources on Religious Naturalism
Hotlink transfer to an internet site dedicated to religious naturalism: Interview with Ursula Goodenough on" "Reason and Reverence" essay by William R. Murray, published in the 2006 issue of UU World. View or download in PDF, a 2004 sermon by Bruce A. Bode of the Quimper Unitarian Fellowship (Port Townsend WA), which highlights the poetry and religious naturalism of Robinson Jeffers. View a sermon on religious naturalism, written by Unitarian minister Sarah Clark and inspired by Ursula Goodenough's book The Sacred Depths of Nature.
Click here for a written fragment of a sermon by Connie Barlow on religious naturalism delivered in Unitarian Universalist church services in 2004. Click here for a personal essay on religious naturalism by Connie Barlow, titled "An Immense Journey: Religious Naturalism and the Great Story" (A Tribute to Julian Huxley, Paul Martin, Aldo Leopold, Thomas Berry, Brian Swimme, Annie Dillard, and Loren Eiseley). Click here for another personal essay on religious naturalism by Thomas Shotwell, titled "On Finding Grandeur in Nature." Hotlink transfer to an internet site dedicated to religious naturalism: Click to return to webpage of Metareligious Essays.