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2014: "Legacy Consciousness"
Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, Encinitas CA
2013: "God Is Back! (Prophets Too): Evidence As Modern-Day Scripture"
First United Methodist Church of Boulder, CO
2013: "God Rebukes the Religious Right: Repent Or Face Hell and High Water"
Wellshire Presbyterian Church, Denver CO
2012: "A Story Big Enough to Include Us All"
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis, MN
2012: "The Evidential Reformation: Humanity Growing Up"
First Unitarian Church of Rochester, NY
2012: "Evidential Reformation: REALizing God, Guidance, and Good News"
First Baptist Church of Painted Post, NY
2011: "Beware Idolatry of the Written Word"
Unity Center of Davis, CA
2011: "Father's Day Sermon: An Evolutionary View of 'God the Father'"
First Congregational Church UCC of Sheboygan, WI
2011: "Getting Real About God, Guidance, and Good News"
Darwin Day sermon at Countryside UCC, Omaha Nebraska
2011: "A Story Big Enough to Hold Us All"
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ft. Myers, FL
2010: "The New Atheists As God's Prophets"
People's Church (Unitarian Universalist), Ludington MI
2010: "Deep-Time Remembering, Deep-Time Blessing"
C3 Exchange: An Inclusive Spiritual Community, Spring Lake MI
2010: "The Scientific Basis of Compassion"
Unity of Portland, OR
2010: "Evolutionize Your Life"
Unity of Woodinville, WA
2009: "Gratitude: An Evolutionary Perspective"
Unity of Bellevue, WA
2009: "Evolutionary Transformations"
Mountainside Center for Spiritual Living, Placerville CA
2009: VIDEO: "Seven Gifts of Evolutionary Spirituality"
Agape Spiritual Center, Culver City CA
2009: "The Gospel According to Science"
Bay Area Unitarian Universalist Church, Houston TX
2008: VIDEO: "The Evolutionary Gospel"
Renaissance Unity, Detroit MI
2008: "Evolutionary Good News"
First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee, WI
2008: "Why I Thank God for Evolution"
Unity of Marin, CA
2008: "Thank God for Evolution!"
First Unitarian Church of Dallas, TX (2nd version at First Unitarian Austin 2008)
2006: "The Gospel According to Evolution"
Unity Church of Christianity, Houston TX
2006: "The Epic of Evolution"
Unitarian Universalists of Hendersonville, NC
2006: "The Great Story"
Unity of Woodinville, WA
More AUDIO and VIDEO of talks/interviews
can be viewed at
2013: "How Religion Is Failing Our Youth"
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hendersonville, NC
2013: "Stages of Life: Dreams v. Legacy" (MLK Sunday)
Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder, CO (topics incl death and climate change)
2012: "Evolution: The Next Generation"
Cadboro Bay United Church, Victoria BC (Canada)
2009: "Your Brain's Creation Story"
UU Congregation of Whidbey Isl, WA
2008: "Evolution: Truth, Beauty, and Utility"
UU Fellowship of Hendersonville, NC
2008: "We Are Stardust" (intergenerational service)
Unitarian Universalist Church of Riverside, CA
2006: "Celebrating Evolution"
Second Unitarian Church of Omaha, NE
2006: "An Evolutionary Celebration of Death"
Unitarian Society of Hartford, CT
2005: "What Is Our Cosmic Task?"
Yakima Unitarian Universalist Church, WA
2003: "Is This Not Divine?"
Unitarian Church of Asheville, NC
2008: VIDEO of "Celebrating Evolution"
Unitarian Universalist Church of Canandaigua, NY
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