Sacred Sites of evolution are
places that are locally, regionally,
nationally, or globally significant
for commemorating an event in
the Great Story of cosmic,
geological, biological, or
cultural evolution.
1. Invite children/youth to explore this page.
How are Epic of Evolution sacred sites different from religious sites? Because the Epic of Evolution embraces all human stories, including all religious and sacred stories, sites that are traditionally held sacred by a particular people or faith are automatically sacred sites of the Epic of Evolution too. This long-term Sacred Site project is intended, rather, to expand our sense (into the biological, geological, and cosmological) of what constitutes a sacred site.
PHOTO-ESSAYS OF ACTUAL PILGRIMAGES to Sacred Sites of the Epic of Evolution
Other Examples of Sacred Sites not yet written about
Pilgrimage, Not Tourism In addition to identifying sites, we are looking for the creative assistance of those who know and love a site to introduce us to it during our travels. A visit to a sacred site of any kind is not intended as tourism but pilgrimage. How does one prepare to make such a pilgrimage? What does one read or meditate on in advance? And, when there, what ways of being are appropriate? Rituals? Chants? Reverent play? For example, Connie felt called, while visiting the preserved Coelacanth fish at Harvard's museum, to "circumambulate" it, as it stands in a glass container in the center of a room. Circumambulation, walking, commemorates this ancestor of the first vertebrates that came out of the sea onto land and invented vertebrate walking. At Down House in England, Connie walked meditatively the same Sand Path that Darwin would walk to ruminate on ideas while working on his On the Origin of Species. She first thought of a natural history question she wished insight into, then walked the path reflecting on the question.
PLEASE HELP US EXPAND THIS WEBPAGE BY SUBMITTING A PHOTO-ESSAY OR YOU-TUBE VIDEO Photos (JPEG format) are very important, as is attention to how to make a visit a pilgrimage: a way to deepen one's relationship with Earth, Life, and Cosmic evolution. Contact Connie Barlow and title your email "Sacred Sites." Please feel free to download, print, and use any and all of these resources, without seeking permission, for all purposes other than publication. (Contact us if you wish to include them in a book or magazine.) And please hotlink our site to yours.